Decision to Meet Face-to-Face

We have agreed to meet in person for some or all future sessions. If there is a resurgence of the pandemic or if other health concerns arise, however, I may require that we meet via Telehealth. If you have concerns about meeting through Telehealth, we will talk about it first and try to address any issues.

You understand that, if I believe it is necessary, I may determine that we return to Telehealth for everyone’s well-being.  If you decide at any time that you would feel safer staying with, or returning to, Telehealth services, I will respect that decision, as long as it is feasible and clinically appropriate. Reimbursement for Telehealth services, however, is also determined by the insurance companies and applicable law. Please contact your health insurance company to inquire about Telehealth eligibility.

Risks of Opting for In-Person Services

Your Responsibility to Minimize Your Exposure

To obtain services in person, you agree to take certain precautions which will help keep everyone (you, me, and our families, [my and other clients) safer from exposure, sickness and possible death. If you do not adhere to these safeguards, it may result in our starting / returning to a Telehealth arrangement. You will only keep your in-person appointment if you are symptom free.

·      If you have a fever or other symptoms of the coronavirus, you agree to cancel the appointment or proceed using Telehealth.  If you wish to cancel for this reason, I won’t charge you our normal cancellation fee.

·      The wait area is small. If you arrive earlier, please wait in your car, outside the office or at the courtyard. Please come in not earlier than 5 minutes before your appointment to allow you some time to use the restroom and wash your hands. You can also use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when you enter the office.

·      Please adhere to the safe distancing precautions in the waiting and therapy room and wear a mask in all areas of the office (I will too).

·      We will keep a distance of 6 feet and there will be no physical contact when we greet or do somatic work.

·      Please try not to touch your face or eyes with your hands. If you do, immediately wash or sanitize your hands.

·      If you have a job that exposes you to other people who are infected, please let me know immediately.

·      If a resident of your home tests positive for the infection, please let me know immediately and we will then [begin] resume treatment via Telehealth.

I may change the above precautions if additional local, state or federal orders or guidelines are published. If that happens, we will talk about any necessary changes.

If You or I Are Sick

I am committed to keeping you, me, and all of our families safe from the spread of this virus. If you show up for an appointment and I believe that you have a fever or other symptoms, or believe you have been exposed, I will have to require you to leave the office immediately. We can follow up with services by Telehealth as appropriate. If I have any symptoms or test positive for the coronavirus, I will notify you so that you can take appropriate precautions and discuss the possibility to continue working online.

Office Safety Precautions in Effect During the Pandemic

 Thank you for reading this guideline carefully. I’m taking the following precautions to protect all clients and help slow the spread of the coronavirus.

·      My therapy room is private but I sublease it to another therapist part time and share the waiting area and bathroom with three more therapists. I am communicating with them to join efforts in protecting all clients and disinfecting the common areas regularly.

·      I will wear a mask when I greet you and during the session the whole session.

·      I recommend you bring your own pillow with a recently washed case. I won’t provide a pillow for somatic exercises for you own safety.

·      Please bring your water. I won’t provide water for your own safety.

·      I will install a purifier to keep the air clean.

·      Restroom soap dispensers are maintained and everyone is encouraged to wash their hands.

·      Hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol is available in the therapy room.

·      I will schedule appointments at specific intervals to minimize the number of people in the waiting room and disinfect the room by wiping the seating areas and pillows with water and soup.

·      I will also thoroughly sanitize pens and other areas that are commonly touched after each use.

·      Tissues and trash bins are easily accessed. I will dispose trash of on a frequent basis.


Thank you for your collaboration!